Reading List: June 2012
Here's the latest that's been in my hands or in my Google Reader:
Life After College: The Complete Guide to Getting What You Want by Jenny Blake
For those of you who have just graduated from college and have some questions about what to do next, Jenny Blake's book is a decent place to start. At times I felt most of it was just common sense, and much of it was just lists of bullet points without much coherent organization. But there was still a lot of valuable advice and exercises to work through, so it was worth the read. My advice is to read it quickly, apply what you can, and get back to living, because I think it's safe to say that was the goal of the book.
HTML and CSS: Design and Build Websites by Jon Duckett
This book is one of the most valuable references I've found on HTML and CSS. While it is focused on covering the basics, it does it so well I even found myself learning new things reading through it! And they did a great job designing the pages to best ensure you would learn and grasp the material, often going above and beyond traditional publishing's ability to convey similar information. This book is going to be sitting next to me every time I'm coding and I know I will be leafing through its pages many times in the future!
Blog Posts to Check Out
Blogging Starter Kit eBook Released! - For those of you looking for a great resource to start blogging, this is your book! Check it out from the guy I continually learn from and am inspired by!
The Muppets, X-Men Mashup - The title says it all. Two childhood loves brought together.
WB and Chrisopher Nolan Offer Fans the Chance to Create Their Own ‘The Dark Knight Rises’ TV Spot - Now that media has been democratized, it's great to see the bog movies acknowledging it and giving people a shot at the big leagues. Plus it's free marketing! Curious to see if other movies follow suit.
Ranking the Best & Worst Pixar Movies - With Brave not getting the best reviews after this last weekend, has Pixar lost its magic? Probably not, but here's a lineup of all their films according to one reviewer. What are your thoughts?