Film Discussion 01: Pulp Fiction
For those of you who couldn't make it this morning, here's the video of our discussion. And for links mentioned in our discussion, see the show notes below.
This was a great start to this series of online discussions about films. It was a small group this week, but we made up for it with some great discussion. We covered a lot of topics in Quentin Tarantino's classic film Pulp Fiction, including the moral hierarchy constructed in each scene, which characters can become heroes, the importance to Butch's watch and much more!
Most importantly, thanks to Melissa, Irene, and Ray for making this a successful experiment! I couldn't have done it without you!
My personal favorite was discussing how the bookends of the film in the diner served as both an entry and exit point to this world of crime and depravity in the movie. It takes us from our ordinary world to the underworld, but also brings us back after our journey below, with the help of a "redeemed" character in Jules. You can hear more at about 54:02 in the video. Thanks to Melissa for inspiring that little meta discussion!What did you find interesting in the movie? Did any part of our discussion stand out to you? I'd love to hear in the comments!
And keep checking the blog for info on our next discussion! Should be happening in two weeks, but I'll try to announce which film we'll be discussing in the next few days. You can also sign up for the newsletter so you don't miss a single announcement! Just click the check box for "Film Discussion Updates."
Show Notes
1. Videos discussing the importance of Butch's Watch in the film: (thanks Ray for finding these!)2. Community episode based on Pulp Fiction: (thanks Melissa for pointing us to this! Now I need to go watch it!)
Season 2 Episode 19: "Critical Film Studies" (watch on Amazon)